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 Advice Column

 St. Anne's Newspaper

 â€‹â€‹Simply the Best 

-since 1920-

 If you need some advice on something, fill out the questionnaire below. Anyone can ask us anything they want to. Please don't be nervous or embarrassed, this is a free space to ask questions and receive advice. St. Anne's Newspaper staff will post your question and the advice, but you will be able to remain anonymous. 

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 Question: I have some trouble managing my time..any tips?



If you want to better manage your time, here are a few tips of what you could do. The first thing you might want to try is to plan, prioritize, and set goals for yourself. These are really important skills to have when you are trying to make the most out of your work time. These skills can not only be helpful now, but also later in life as well, such as when you are in college or at work. There are many ways to make a plan. For example, you can make a schedule by writing down all the things you want to get done at what times. Make sure there is time for a break though! Or you can simply have a list of things that you want to accomplish and an estimate of how long each task is. The more accurate your time estimates are, the more useful it is. Another way to plan is to create a task list with the due dates or deadlines. Once you have your schedule or to-do list, you can prioritize. To prioritize, you will need to look at your to-do list and number the tasks based on its urgency to get done. Once you have finished a task, you can check it off the list. For example, you have three things on your list that need to be done today. You will then number the tasks 1-3. You will give the task that you need to do first a 1 and the task that could wait a 3. By doing so, it will help you visualize what you need to get to first and then work your way down the list. Another thing you can try to help you better manage your time is to set goals for yourself. Be realistic in your goals. Don’t go overboard and set goals that are not attainable. Having a goal can help you break down a big task to smaller and more manageable tasks, better focus on your task at hand, and provide you with guidance on how to finish your task. Accompanying the schedule, you can jot down your goals (what you want to accomplish) for a certain period of time, such as an hour or a day. This is how you make goals.  Having a plan, knowing how to prioritize your tasks, and setting realistic goals, together these skills can help you improve on your time management.


Procrastination is a huge figure in  bad time management and I think the best way to deal with procrastination is to just get started with the assignment. When you start watching youtube videos or playing video games it’s not going to end up being just ten minutes you were thinking about. You want to make sure that you’re actually getting some work done, not that I’m planning on how to do it or I’m brainstorming. In shot the best way to stop with procrastination is : just do it.


Another way to help time management is reduce distraction. Such as, sitting in a quiet room or muting your phone or device. Some other great ways you can do that, are take everything out of a room that will easily distract you, tell your parent or guardian that you have to do homework so they won’t ask you to do things, lastly turn off your T.Vs or streaming apps and don’t pick up the phone or text if it’s your friends. Reducing distractions can be hard, but it helps a lot! 


One last way to help you with time management is motivation. This will help because you will want to get your work done. One way to motivate yourself is by giving yourself a small reward when you finish your homework. One reward could be a little bit of phone/screen time. In this time you can go on social media, watch your favorite show, or maybe watch YouTube. One other way is to give yourself rewards by quarters. You can ask your parents if you get good grades when the quarter ends if they will buy you something you have wanted. If you are trying to make this deal with your parents, try and make the thing you want to buy simple. (Don’t ask for a phone or new computer. These are really expensive things. Try and ask for a new jacket or a blanket.) Motivating yourself will really help you get work done.

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